Burrito Brigade Interview
An interview for the Portland Burrito Brigade, featuring 2D animation.
The Burrito Brigade is a non-profit organization with a mission to feed the hungry in Oregon. The Portland chapter operates out of Rose City Park United Methodist Church. I worked with Videographer and Editor Pedro Valdez Jr. to organize the interview and assist with video editing. I was responsible for the 2D design & animation of the map and end cards.
Burrito Brigade Interview
Animation at 2:38 - 3:23 (also below)
Map Animation
Map Key Image
Transition Animations
The final animation was exported as an MOV with alpha channels, which streamlined the workflow of importing in Premiere.
Videographer: Pedro Valdez Jr.
Editors: Sarah Haftorson, Pedro Valdez Jr.
Designer & Animator: Sarah Haftorson
Clients: Rose City Park UMC, Burrito Brigade